Swirling on Her Head*
Swirling on Her Head*
Plexiglas, Rice Paper, Color Pencil, Marker, Water Color, Acrylic Color, Aluminum Bar, Resin, Light Bulb
102" X 102" X 78"
June 2008

We become old and sick because of the limits of our bodies. We have no freedom. I cannot divide my two legs into ten which have numerous suction cups which can grasp prays more easily. I know it is impossible to turn my arms into numerous branches on which beautiful flowers blossom. My head are not allowed to have a long trunk like elephants which can easily pick a cherry from the treetop. I can’t even be a simple ameba which is able to change its body freely and float around the abundant rivers of life. Why do we have only one body? Why our desires to have several bodies are locked in “the skin”?
“Swirling on Her Head” is a lantern. Its overall shape is an upside-down quadrangular pyramid. I draw myself on every four side of the lantern. However, my appearances of each four side are all different. I have the bodies of a squid, crab, coral and tree. My limbs are escaping from my body which is the lantern.